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Welcome to NY Dance!

Hi and welcome to NY Dance, Ipswich, where ‘we do dance different’!

We are the studio with a commitment to age-appropriate dance for dancers of all ages including our “Little Dance Stars” classes for young children aged 1-6 years, ‘Dance Arts’ classes for children aged 7-18,  and an amazing Adult Dance Program.
There is a class for everyone!

There are no eisteddfods or any sort of ‘competitive’ work and parents and students can have confidence in knowing that because we hold ‘age-appropriate dance’ as our main studio value, that we will never dress our students, from youngest to oldest, in anything inappropriate or revealing.

We simply create amazing opportunities for our dancers to learn & grow as dancers in an incredibly safe and supportive atmosphere where students can grow their confidence as they grow their dance skills.

Our focus is creating a love of dance, teaching great dance and providing opportunities for all to learn and grow in an amazing and supportive dance studio setting.

If you are looking for adifferent’ dance studio and would love to hear more about our Ipswich, Queensland, based studio, then we invite you to NY Dance to feel the difference for yourself.

'Little Dance Stars' - Our Signature Program for 1-6 Years

If you are looking for a dance class that is totally age-appropriate in every way, you are going to love our signature ‘Little Dance Stars’ program which has been especially created for our tiniest dancers – children aged 0-6 years.

We are the experts in early childhood dance education and are not trying to create ‘perfect dancers’.  Instead we have planned each class to inspire your child’s imagination, get them excited and of course to start learning the foundations of dance in a fun and age-appropriate way.

They are learning social skills like taking your turn, standing in line, being patient & taking care of each other all the while, have a wonderful time dancing to their heart’s content.

Our classes have been specially crafted to inspire your child’s imagination as they stomp around like dinosaurs, twirl with fairy wands, ribbons and scarves and get busy burning off lots of energy in our fun and engaging classes.

Our teaching style ensures that our classes are focussed on the different learning styles of children and we choose bright and bubbly ‘action songs’ that engage the children’s imaginations.
We include movements that integrate opportunities to include gross and fine motor skills and proprioceptive and vestibular input, all disguised as fun dance moves.

Our ‘Little Dance Stars’ Program ensures that your budding dancer can start off in a class that they will instantly feel welcomed and they will simply not be able to wait for their dance class, each week.

We know that your child will simply love their very first ‘Little Dance Stars’ class and that you will love being a part of our NY Dance community and we cannot wait to welcome you to the ‘Little Dance Stars Program’.



Little Dance Stars Program

Our ‘Little Dance Stars’ program is for our tiniest dancers
aged 9 months through to turning 6 years.
Our specially crafted classes have been designed to inspire your child’s imagination as they stomp around like dinosaurs, twirl with fairy wands, ribbons & scarves and get busy burning off lots of energy in our fun and engaging classes.
Created by our expert early dance education teachers, our teaching style ensures that our classes are focussed on the different learning styles of children first, and the steps, second.

We choose bright and bubbly ‘action songs’ that engage the children’s imagination and sense of fun, and plan our classes with movements that integrate opportunities to include gross and fine motor skills as well as proprioceptive and vestibular input.

We know that your child will simply love their very first Little Dance Stars class and that you will love being a part of our NY Dance community.



NY Dance Arts Program

Our ‘Dance Arts Program‘  is where the dance magic really starts to happen.
Our fabulous programs have been very intentionally created to allow students aged 7 to 18 to progress in an age-appropriate manner where every dancer has the opportunity to grow and learn to dance in a safe and happy place.
For someone new to dance, you have so many classes to choose from including: Tap, Jazz, Ballet, Hip Hop, Contemporary, Musical Theatre, Acrodance or Aerial.

Although we are still focussed on the very best outcomes for our students such as creating a safe space for your child to learn and grow, to progress at their own individual level and to improve their skills, at this level our students are encouraged to focus a little more on technique and ‘being the best they can be’.

This is when we see our students truly flourish, in a dance environment crafted to be gently encouraging and supportive while at the same time offering a solid, quality dance education.


Move With You

‘Move With You’, is our very first dance class for your tiniest dancer ages 9 months to around 3 years of age.

‘Move With You’ is a 45 minute play-based dance class that parents (and often grandparents) attend with their child.  It incorporates toys, props, scarves, instruments, hoops and so forth, with the learning of very basic dance steps.  Specifically crafted by our Early Childhood educators, this class has essential childhood development points such as proprioceptive input, vestibular input, gross and fine motor skills and much more, all disguised as a part of our fun song and dance activities.
This is a rewarding one-on-one class spent with your little dancer full of fun activites that will spark their imagination and keep them coming back for more.



Adult Dance Space

Looking for a dance studio with amazing adult dance classes?

If you have you always wanted to dance, danced as a child and can’t wait to get back into it or maybe dance has simply on your bucket list for a while.
At NY Dance we offer the opportunity many adults are waiting for – classes appropriate for adults of varying experience from none to very experienced.
Choose from Tap, Jazz, Ballet, Contemporary, Theatre Jazz, Aerial, P.B.T or ‘Stretch & Strengthen’ and with all of these classes on the timetable, there is certain to be one that is just right for you.
If you’ve never danced before don’t panic, NY Dance teachers are experienced with all levels of ability and within moments you will feel at home with the added and often unexpected bonus of making new friends.



NY Dance is the dance studio with a very intentional point of difference.
Our dance families love that we have old-fashioned values when it comes to the presentation of weekly lessons to our students and in particular, what we present to our families on-stage especially regarding song choices and costuming, at our end of year performances.
Our vision is very intentional in that we adhere to our own standards of ‘Age-Appropriate music, dance moves and costumes’. This is something that we are extremely passionate and proud of.
If you would love to be a part of a studio that values children being children, that has high moral standards when it comes to the work we present to the students of every age, both in class and on stage, then we would love to show you the NY Dance difference.

NY Dance Studio Values

Age Appropriate

We believe that at the very core of what we do, dance should be (and can be) Age-Appropriate.
This flows through the studio at every touch point, from our carefully designed uniforms, to our class plans, our music choices, dance moves and very importantly our costumes.


We are passionate about creating a positive learning environment where every student feels valued. We believe in the unlimited potential of each dancer, gently nurturing them with positive words and actions, to be the very best they can be.
By offering amazing opportunities and events, our dancers have the chance to grow as not only dancers, but as human beings.

Parents can be assured that we provide a safe and constant place for your child to learn, make mistakes and progress at their own pace and in their own time.


We are passionate about including everyone no matter their ability, age, size or shape so that they may learn to dance without any fear or judgement. Every dancer is a gift to be valued and we warmly welcome anyone who wishes to learn to dance.


We are passionate about excellence in teaching outcomes, striving to provide our students with the best quality tuition while at the same time, having realistic goals given the ages and abilities of our students. We aim for excellence in all areas of NY Dance from every part of our team so that whether you are a student or parent, you have the most amazing and excellent experience possible.


We are passionate about creating an extended family atmosphere, where our students can feel safe & protected, nurtured & valued, with consistent values and attitudes across the entire NY Dance Team. Our families are important to us and become part of our lives, both inside and outside of the classroom.